a blog about tech stuff – mostly.
Dual booting with Windows 10 and Windows 7 on two separate HDD’s?
If so, then you might be seeing this error in your systems notification panel on your Windows 10 installation: The solution can be found here: http://www.tenforums.com/tutorials/4189-fast-startup-turn-off-windows-10-a.html It involves disabling fast startup. Once disabled, this error should go away on its own. If you have an SSD drive, then performance is usually not effected in any…
Flippin’ Awesome Air Show
Hope I’ll be able to go see one of these some time, just amazing! Cameron Airshow 2014 from Aero Media Group on Vimeo.
Windows 10
I think I want Windows 10, if only for the new Task Manager. I know it’s there in Windows 8 / Server 2012 but everyone knows the OS wasn’t ready yet. This is the first time since Windows 7 that I’m actually excited interested about getting a new Windows OS installed on one of my computers.
Windows 10 Technical Preview – Installing in VirtualBox
Here’s a quick guide to getting Windows 10 installed in a VirtualBox. Download the Windows 10 Technical Preview ISO from Microsoft (x64 used in this example) or from a torrent magnet link.
Luckiest guy alive.
Rokoding 480p DVD Settings
This is originally from rokoding.com. Their website is currently having some issues and I found a copy. If anyone else needs these settings, they’re here! Alternatively, maybe give the guy some money to pay for dedicated hosting. I’m going to try to do so as soon as I can.
Some other great things about Google Apps
There’s a few more things that are great about the Google Apps service! I’ve listed a few in an earlier post, but this is a continuation of what the service can do for you: A custom email address is key to continue building your brand and it’s included when you setup your Gmail account. In addition to…
The Best Self-Hosted Alternatives to Popular Services
Lifehacker re-post. Good info for those who want to ditch public “cloud” services and make their own: http://lifehacker.com/the-best-self-hosted-alternatives-to-popular-services-1579866571
Adobe Flash Player Offline Installers – N/M!
If you want to download Adobe Flash Player without Adobe’s additional software or the online installers, go here to find the individual exe’s and msi files for all browser types: http://www.adobe.com/products/flashplayer/distribution3.html Edit – Don’t bother. Adobe isn’t publishing these files anymore, you have to sign up for a distributor license in order to use them…
Need to hire someone to help you fix something?
Give Thumbtack a try! It’s a website that I found that allows you to offer your services or find someone that can help you with a problem or project in your area. I haven’t successfully been able to provide any services yet, but I believe I’ll be able to do so very soon. Check them…