a blog about tech stuff – mostly.
Google makes Remote Desktop access much easier
IOGear’s wireless HDMI extender embeds 60GHz technology in a USB-C dongle | PCWorld
37 Important Linux Commands You Should Know
https://www.howtogeek.com/412055/37-important-linux-commands-you-should-know/ Great if you’re new or rusty!
Microsoft Confirms Change To Windows 10 Passwords That Nobody Saw Coming
Google will now let you use your Android phone as a physical security key – The Verge
Give Your Raspberry Pi SD Card a Break: Log to RAM | Hackaday
Home Automation with Raspberry Pi 3 – Hackster.io
Fedora 29 Linux Gaming Report: The Nvidia, Radeon And Steam User Experience
How to deploy a Ceph storage cluster – TechRepublic
USPS Informed Delivery
I was just recently notified by USPS that they were rolling out a feature that allows you to see scanned images of every piece of mail that is delivered to you each day. It’s pretty handy, and also lets you know tracking status of all of your Amazon packages being delivered as well 🙂 The…