a blog about tech stuff – mostly.
Certificates in Exchange 2007 – More links for myself
Exchange 2007 lessons learned – generating a certificate with a 3rd party CA (this link is a duplicate from a previous post, but the link is better served in this post) http://msexchangeteam.com/archive/2007/02/19/435472.aspx Exchange 2007 Autodiscover and certificates http://msexchangeteam.com/archive/2007/04/30/438249.aspx Unified Communications Certificate Partners for Exchange 2007 and for Communications Server 2007 http://support.microsoft.com/?id=929395 How to Configure SSL…
Certificate Sites
http://www.digicert.com/unified-communications-ssl-tls.htm http://www.dyndns.com/services/pricing/ https://www.godaddy.com/gdshop/ssl/ssl.asp?ci=8979 http://www.verisign.com.au/ssl/pricing.shtml http://www.namecheap.com/learn/other-services/ssl-certificate-pricing.asp?pricefor=SSL http://www.comodo.com/products/managed_security/pricing.html http://www.trustico.com/products/truebusinessid/true_businessid_wildcard.html
Many VERY useful Login scripts, registry hacks and group policy
Disable Stickykeys with a logon script via Group Policy
Kids drivin’ you nuts by turning on Accessibility options? Set this as a login script: ‘Disable Sticky Keys Set WSHShell = Wscript.CreateObject(“Wscript.Shell”) RegKey = “HKCU\Control Panel\Accessibility\Stickykeys\” WSHShell.RegWrite regkey & “Flags”,”506″,”REG_SZ” You can also replace the “506” with “510” to turn it back on. I’m currently working on a solution to remove the Utility Manager (windows…
Exchange 2007 and SSL Certificates – Take 2
Taken from a very good blogger and I.T. Guy, Simon Butler, aka Sembee. http://www.sembee.co.uk/archive/2008/05/30/78.aspx And also some other things I need: Exchange 2007 lessons learned – generating a certificate with a 3rd party CA http://msexchangeteam.com/archive/2007/02/19/435472.aspx LOL, while looking for the solution to my problem, another seemed to vent about it: “So this behavior serves no…
LOTS of good Exchange info here
amset.info http://amset.info/exchange/default.asp
Deploying Legal Notices to domain computers using Group Policy
Well Windows Server guys, we're gonna' have to learn sometime…
PowerShell Owner’s Manual. This is your guide to getting started with Windows PowerShell. Read through these pages to get familiar with Windows PowerShell, and soon you’ll be driving around like a pro. (or so M$ says…) http://www.microsoft.com/technet/scriptcenter/topics/winpsh/manual/default.mspx
Re-installing .NET Framework 1.1 Server 2003
I recently (up until a few minutes ago) had a problem with the .NET Framework that is built-in to Windows Server 2003. I think the version is 1.1.4322. What happened was, I wanted to make my other server here that was running WSUS and Sharepoint V.3 into another Domain Controller. Bad idea. Anyway long story…
I found a really cool little utility a while back and I thought I’d share it with everyone. It’s a powertoy made by microsoft called synctoy. It’s kind of like the old, “briefcase” we had in windows 98 that was used to keep folders synchronized, but this utility is a little bit more powerful. I…