a blog about tech stuff – mostly.

  • Online Businesses?

    I’m really not one for these, “Get rich Quick” schemes or anything like that, but this site has a bunch of intriguing things.  Check it out if you’re bored or something. http://www.business-opportunities.biz/

  • A good discussion about GPO's and Vista

    If you are starting to implement Windows Vista into your aging Windows 2003 or 2000 domains, working with GPO’s for Vista can be difficult, especially with folder redirection.  Read here for more info… http://www.gpanswers.com/community/viewtopic.php?p=7653

  • List of free high PR Directories with no reciprocal links

      dmoz.org – PR9 2rss.com – PR7 kids.yahoo.com/submissions/suggest_site – PR7 ExactSeek.com – PR7 Jayde.com – PR6 SuperPages.ca – PR6 Patient.co.uk – PR6 BestCatalog.net – PR6 Gimpsy.com – PR6 Bizweb.com – PR6

  • Removing a, "Disconnected Network Drive"

    removing the key for that share under [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\MountPoints2] and then logging off and back on cleared it. The key for your share will look something like this ##SERVER01#SharedFiles Taken from: http://www.pcreview.co.uk/forums/thread-2420750.php

  • Viewing Distance Calculator

    -Thinking about buying a new HDTV, projector, or TV set and wondering what size to get? -Ever wonder if your viewing room is set up optimally? -Try this calculator to get some data to guide your decision. http://myhometheater.homestead.com/viewingdistancecalculator.html

  • Missing GPMC in Vista?

    If you are looking for the Group policy management console on your windows vista service pack 1 computer, you might realize that it has silently been removed. Install RSAT (Remote Server Administration Tools) and then enable the Windows Features for Group Policy Management from add/remove windows features. http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/windowsserver/grouppolicy/default.aspx Direct Links here: Microsoft Remote Server Administration…

  • Bypassing Vista and XP Activation

    Windows Vista activation can be easily bypassed and cracked by installing Windows Vista to a future date as explained in this article below. There is no product key needed during Windows Vista installation.The steps for Windows Vista activation crack is given below:

  • Wow. Lot's of cool windows tricks here…

    Thanks to Tom Abey http://tomstricks.blogspot.com/2008_06_01_archive.html  Including Bypassing Vista Activation, and also allowing your cracked windows XP get updates…

  • Um, Not good?

    This has been released at Eweek: (I don’t know if I can actually post something from another website, but I’m doing it anyway.  If they get mad, they can ask me to remove it and I’ll comply.) http://www.eweek.com/c/a/Security/The-Era-of-Whatever/?kc=EWKNLSTE070108FEA1 ICANN has removed the barriers to the creation of new top-level domains. The distant future could be…

  • Hosting Multiple Domains on SBS 2003 (Part 1)

    From SeanDaniel.com.  Thanks!   Hosting Multiple Domains on SBS 2003 (Part 1)