a blog about tech stuff – mostly.
Vonage – Ports
Opening these ports (UDP) and forwarding them to the IP address of your Vonage MTA device using your router can possibly help call clarity and connection issues. RTP (Voice) Traffic: Ports 10000-20000 UDP. When a call is made, a random port between 10000 and 20000 is used for RTP (Voice) traffic. If any of these…
Wonderful Free Partition editor
http://partedmagic.com/ It is a Linux based partition editor, and works wonderfully! Check it out.
How can I configure RPC over HTTP/S on Exchange 2003 (single server scenario)?
Really good write-up (as usual from Daniel Petri) on how to setup your exchange 2003 server to accept RPC over HTTP/S connections. http://www.petri.co.il/configure_rpc_over_https_on_a_single_server.htm If you have a 2003 server, and exchange 2007, look here: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080919140254AAf74DE
Thank GOD this phone is coming out for Sprint…
I’m so sick of setting up iPhones and having my users be tethered to Apple’s iTunes. Can’t wait to see what the new, “Pre” from Palm will do. http://www.palm.com/us/products/phones/pre/index.html I haven’t really liked Palm’s devices in the past, but it looks like they worked really hard on this one. Of course, the main thing is…
Disable TCP Auto-Tuning to Solve Slow Network, Cannot Load Web Page or Download Email Problems in Vista
Just in case you experience this problem, here is A solution. I say, “A” because it’s probably a fallback solution until you find a real fix, but it could help nonetheless. http://www.mydigitallife.info/2007/03/22/disable-tcp-auto-tuning-to-solve-slow-network-cannot-load-web-page-or-download-email-problems-in-vista/
Congratulations to the Pittsburgh Steelers for their 6th SuperBowl Win. I’d like to thank our defensive line, because without them, I don’t think this would be possible. Troy, you’re the best. I may live in Maryland, but my heart belongs in Pittsburgh. Go Steelers! PS – I’d just like to add that the Arizona Cardinals…
What's great about being a geek AND a smoker? E-Cigarettes!
Electronic Cigarettes or “e-cigarettes” are a new and healthy way to get your nicotine fix. They provide smokers with all of the benefits of smoking, with none of the downsides! Essentially, “e-cigs” are an electronic cigarette powered by a battery, controlled by a microprocessor, that allows air to be passed through a heater “which is called an atomizer”…
Vista Firewall Control
Microsoft has allowed outbound connection control with their new Firewall in Windows Vista and Windows 7, but you can’t configure it. By downloading the free Vista Firewall Control, you’ll be able to have a pretty decent firewall, just by using the one that’s built-in! Enjoy! http://www.majorgeeks.com/download5578.html
Wall warts driving you nuts? Get a 360 degree outlet!
Fun with pictures
http://photofunia.com/ Pretty cool. Basically, you can put your picture into a bunch of different backgrounds for a fun effect. See my older post: http://ehb.cmh.mybluehost.me/website_9cb93709/?p=9 for other photoshop picture effects as well.