a blog about tech stuff – mostly.

  • Good prices for Cat5 RJ45 Plugs

    $16 / 100 pack isn’t bad.  Good prices on some other items too. http://www.cablesnmor.com/

  • How to hide pages in WordPress

    Open ..root/includes/post-template.php Go to around line 287, it has a built-in option to exclude page from sidebar. Just add your post ID where it says exclude’ => ‘YOUR POST ID HERE’,

  • I know it's a little late…

    But GO PENS!!!! Can’t believe it, honestly. But I was the proudest fan alive on Friday night! Sid, Malkin, Fluery, Guerin, Staal, Talbot, you’re all my heroes!!!! You guys rock. I only wish that you could have won at home! Can’t wait to watch you guys evolve into even better players with more experience, and…

  • Considerations when installing or upgrading SharePoint

    Lot’s of good articles located here… (hence the sudden surge of posts from them!) http://www.itexpertmag.com/server/considerations-when-installing-or-upgrading-sharepoint

  • Using SharePoint for document management for the small office

    Project management, version control, group calendars, no more duplicates…SharePoint offers the small business a lot more than fancy file sharing and often it’s free. Here’s how to give them the most from it. http://www.itexpertmag.com/server/using-sharepoint-for-document-management-for-the-small-office

  • Looking for an IMF Companion for Exchange 2007?

    Well, you’re not going to find one.  However, Microsoft has added a built-in Spam filter in exchange, but you have to know how to enable it and configure it first. This article explains how to enable it, configure it, and explains best practices in using it. It also mentions other third-party tools (albeit expensive ones) to help…

  • Ever thought of creating your own Wind-Powered Generator?

    Take a look at this site:  http://www.otherpower.com/otherpower_wind_tips.html It offers advice on commercial and “home-brewed” types of wind generators, with hands-on advise from others who have used these handy generators.

  • Dealing with what's different in SBS 2008

    There are a lot of new things in Microsoft’s newest Small Business server, and those looking to upgrade their current SBS 2003 or 2000 might want to have a look at what they are.  There is a great article here that helps out quite a bit: http://www.itexpertmag.com/server/sbs-2008-features

  • Want to know how stong your password is?


  • The four stages of a typical twitter user…

    I for one am not buying it, because I believe that most people (even me) don’t have anything important to “tweet” about during the normal course of their day. I can barely find things to blog about! Anyway, if anyone’s interested there are some good links to fight for twitters usefulness in the following article:…