a blog about tech stuff – mostly.

  • Exchange 2010 Prerequisites

    Holy hotfixes… I just went to install SP1 on a new Exchange 2010 server that I recently deployed and was completely caught off guard by how many hotfixes I needed to install before SP1 would even attempt to install.  Just take a look at the prerequisites and you’ll understand what I mean: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb691354.aspx I find it…

  • Win 7 Update Woes…

    If you have a computer (or many) computers that blue-screened after installing Windows 7 SP1 via WSUS, you might be able to fix the issue using this KB article.  I haven’t heard of many problems yet myself, but I consider myself lucky knowing that I don’t have many Win 7 OS’es deployed (less than 50…

  • Hackers vs Apple


  • Create bootable USB drives for Linux

    Runs on Windows and Linux http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/

  • Ultimate collection of Free online virus scanners


  • Avast 6 FAQs

    Avast version 6 was released just a few days ago, and there are many people wondering what all the new features do. Have a look here to read about what’s new and what has changed in the new release: https://support.avast.com/index.php?_m=knowledgebase&_a=viewarticle&kbarticleid=750#idt_09

  • WordPress 3.1 and Windows Servers!!!

    A fix for Wordpress 3.1 users on Windows Servers

  • Gotta love AMD!!!

    I’m sure that you’ve heard about Intel’s latest ‘Sandy Bridge’ chipsets, their failures, and the fact that they have been pulled from online and store-front retailers.  Well, if you’re an AMD fan like myself, take a look at this for a good laugh! http://www.tomshardware.com/news/valentines-day-sandy-bridge-fusion-apu-cougar-point-chipset,12198.html

  • EFS in a domain expires after three years

    Here’s info on how to backup and remove your old domain certificate, generate and install a new one. Hopefully, no one in your domain uses EFS.  If so, it can be a total pain if your certs are expired. http://msmvps.com/blogs/alunj/archive/2007/03/24/efs-in-a-domain-expires-after-three-years.aspx Also, read here: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/929103

  • Safety report on Electronic Cigarettes

    Great read! http://www.ecigarettedirect.co.uk/extra%20info/e-cigarette-safety-report.pdf