Category: Uncategorized
Google’s book about the web
This book, which was written by Google and illustrated by Cristoph Neimann, is an illustrated guide about how the web works. Great for beginners (old people, and those afraid of technology :-P), and experienced computer users alike. It was written using HTML5, the newest rendition of the common HTML protocol, used in most websites today.…
Better options for credit cards
Taken from MSN:
The 10 Best IT Certifications: 2010
According to “GlobalKnowledge”
My forum is back up
head on over if you’d like
25 Windows 7 Themes
I like the sunset at the beach theme… pretty nice.
Installing iTunes 10 w/o bloatware
I don’t use it, but I know a lot of people that do. Here’s a nice guide to “slim-down” your iTunes installation so that it doesn’t choke your computer of resources.
Just to sum it all up for you “Apple Fans”
Be sure to read the comments! 🙂,11221.html
Interesting info about taking pictures with different cameras
The article is named, “Don’t be ugly by accident” and brings up a few points about why different types of cameras can make you look better, as well as the time of day and focal length of the lens used. Doesn’t really make a scientific point, but an entertaining post nonetheless.
Configuring Windows Vista and 7 Power Management on Windows 2000/2003 Domains
Vista_on_Win2000_2003 Using Group Policy, you can manage when Vista and 7 computers hibernate, go to sleep, and many other options. This can be used to either keep your computers from going into sleep modes to prevent problems (like I’ve experienced with brand new Dell Optiplex 380’s that wouldn’t wake up properly) or can be used…
Outlook Anywhere Bug with Windows Server 2008 The basis of the problem is that Windows Server 2008 (like Windows Vista) gives precedence to IPv6 over IPv4 and this is especially a problem if you have your mailbox and CAS on the same server (the normal default configuration).