Category: Uncategorized

  • OTL Tutorial

  • Windows 7 Imaging Fun!!! not.

  • Determining the type of Windows XP Installation Disk

    If you have a windows XP installation CD / DVD, and you’d like to know if it’s OEM, Retail, or Volume Licensed, take a look here to find out: I’ll try to hunt down the same info for Windows Vista, and 7 as well. Another resource:

  • Force showing of known file extensions

    In the registry go to : HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Currentversion\explorer\Advanced\Folder and then there is a sub key Hidden with 3 subkeys, NOHIDDEN, NOHIDORSYS, SHOWALL. The default value for all these 3 is (0), and the checked values are (2), (0), (1) respectively. The next subkey of Folder is HideFileExt, and the checked, unchecked, and default values are (1),…

  • Exchange 2007 Service Pack 2 Prerequisites

  • Fixing a LaserJet 4 printing pages after a print job

    Separator pages? Or, try printing a demo page and see if it does it there Or, Select LaserJet4 Plus driver and see if that helps. Or, try setting lines to 60 and nothing more. It’s a page printer, if there are 64 lines or more, it will put things on a second (blank) page.…

  • Interesting Windows 7 Black Screen Problem

    I’ve read many things about the “Windows 7 Black Screen of Death” or “KSOD” before, but out of everything I’ve read, I’ve never seen this. Today, I was setting up one of numerous Dell Vostro 1520 Laptops with Windows 7 Professional Pre-Installed. First of all, just by turning the thing on and installing a few…

  • Hello world!

    Hi, I’m working on getting my site back up…  Should be soon, as long as I can import all my backups. Wish me luck! -Ryan