Category: Computer Stuff
Ultimate collection of Free online virus scanners
Avast 6 FAQs
Avast version 6 was released just a few days ago, and there are many people wondering what all the new features do. Have a look here to read about what’s new and what has changed in the new release:
WordPress 3.1 and Windows Servers!!!
A fix for Wordpress 3.1 users on Windows Servers
EFS in a domain expires after three years
Here’s info on how to backup and remove your old domain certificate, generate and install a new one. Hopefully, no one in your domain uses EFS. If so, it can be a total pain if your certs are expired. Also, read here:
Sorry for bashing Apple yet again, but…
Just goes to show you, just because you don’t get rogue A/V’s and malware on your Mac like your PC counterparts do, it doesn’t mean it’ll stay that way forever.,11877.html#xtor=RSS-181 Go Linux!!! 🙂
Have a computer illiterate parent?
Would you like to help teach your parents or grandparents how to use the computer, but don’t have enough time to create instructional videos to help them? Fear not! Google has already done it for you. Send them an email with up to 12 instructional videos (out of many) to get them up to speed…
The Perfect Server – Ubuntu 10.1 A really cool post about setting up a Ubuntu Server with ISPConfig3, which is perfect if you want to start hosting websites for clients on your own hardware.
Using MDT 2010 to deploy Windows 7
When I first started looking into using Microsoft’s own deployment tools to deploy Windows 7 I have to admit that it was a bit intimidating. There were all these tools, xml answer files, individual programs, deployment shares, .wim’s, it just got insane. I was used to the good ol’ Ghost tools that I’ve been familiar…
Windows 7 Deployment tools
Silverlight videos from Microsoft Technet that help describe the Imaging process for Windows 7 Clients. Videos are also available in WMV format on the bottom of the page. Part 1: Preparing an Image using Sysprep and ImageX Part 2: Deployment Image and Servicing Management Part 3: Deployment Workbench in Microsoft Deployment Toolkit 2010 Part 4:…
Fixing problems with Server 2008 Windows Backup
If you are using Server 2008’s built-in “Windows Backup” tool to backup your server, you may run into a problem where the “auto-delete” function does not delete your older VSS copies if your backup destination is not large enough for the disk(s) that you are backing up. Then you will run into failed backups because…