Category: Computer Stuff
Managing WSUS from the Command Line
Windows '08 Certs? Think again ” I agree with E Cetiner, sadly as an Employer, microsoft qualifications are considered useless and pretty much a joke, due to many reasons.. with the new certification routes, microsoft qualified individuals will be primarily rejected in favour of comptia, cisco and IT experienced individuals. preference will be given to the experience IT individuals…
Defrag all computers on a domain, for free, using PsTools
I’m going to enlighten my readers on a little “how-to” to get your entire domain’s hard drives defragged at once. It’s pretty simple, and can be scheduled to run by windows task scheduler. *note- It sometimes doesn’t work if the computer isn’t logged on by a user (for some unknown reason). Usually, if someone is…
Better phone than Skype or VOIP?
Maybe not, but still pretty handy.
Sanity check: The 700 MHz auction will tip the wireless balance, but in which direction?
Modifying the Outlook Web Access Login Page
Fixing WSUS Updates for (improperly) imaged clients
Create a batch file, (call it whatever you want; ex. fixwsus.bat) Place these lines in the batch file, and run on all machines that have been imaged improperly. reg delete HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate /v AccountDomainSid /f reg delete HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate /v PingID /f reg delete HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate /v SusClientId /f cls @echo Triggering detection after resetting WSUS client identity…
List of free audio software
USB Drive Letter Manager for Windows 2000, XP, Server 2003 and Vista The reason I have this on here is because I mostly work with small business owners. I’ve been using USB External Hard drives for their backup solutions because they are cheap, fast, and easy to use. However, if you have a customer that uses flash drives, or multiple USB hard drives, or maybe someone…
Office Team Strikes Again…
This is pretty funny, and true. Why can’t “they” just make it work?