Category: Computer Stuff
SBS 2008: Changing storage locations for redirected folders, shares, and exchange database, etc.
I wanted to shed some light on the subject of SBS 2008 for new installers of the OS. In first installing SBS 08, I looked over the “Getting Started Guide” that comes with the retail boxed DVD set. It says that you “should” store all of your data on a separate partition or disk, while…
Have more control of your Intelligent Message Filter in SBS 2003
Download this tool: IMF Companion You won’t be disappointed!
Having trouble with rootkits invading your PC? Read this for help.
High memory usage by sqlserv.exe on your SBS 2003 box?
Check this site out for the simple fix. It’s worked wonders on 3 SBS servers that I manage.
Simplifying OWA URL
In some cases, you might find it useful to remove the trailing /owa or /exchange directory from your Outlook Web Access URL, and change it to something like mail.”domain”.com. Here’s an article to help you with that:
(homer voice) ooooh! supercomputer!
Get your very own personal supercomputer. Now under $10,000!
Redirect an HTTP page to HTTPS
A while ago, I found it necessary to “automagically” redirect traffic from a standard http webpage to https (which is particularly useful for Outlook Web Access Pages) and I figured out how to do so by using a simple https redirect page…
Another funny pic
Friggin' Awesome Remote Desktop Software
If you have a client that needs computer help and has an internet connection, you need this software! It has a built-in chat, whiteboard tools, hell you can even re-boot the machine in safe mode and still work on it! Even better, you can have the program remove itself from the client PC when you’re done…
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